Your Mental Health Matters to Us

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Over all this long journey of medical practice has been dealing with all types of mental problems:

  • Coping with Stress and its management strategies.
  • Solving problems of psychosocial relationships and couple therapy.
  • Management of general behavior and emotional disorders of all age groups (children – adolescents and old aged patients including Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Obsessional states
  • Bipolar Disorders, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder and Addiction.
  • Epilepsy, Mental Retardation and EEG interpretation.
  • Practicing almost all types of therapy including :
Drug Therapy
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Electro-Convulsive Therapy


Cognitive and Behavior Therapy


Trance-cranial magnetic stimulation therapy

About Company

Excellence in Dental Care is Our Commitment

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Our Services

Our Procedures

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Pediatric Dentistry

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Restorative Care

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Gum Health

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Professional Results

The Best Possible Results

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Lorem Ipsum sds

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Serving Patients with Our Best Features

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